Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's a Sleeve!

By gosh, if you just keep on knitting eventually it's got to be a sleeve! The decreasing is starting to make the rows go faster finally and I'm making progress. Here's a shot of my first sleeve:

I still think I'll finish in time. I technically have until Saturday, December 22nd to finish because that's when they're flying in. I could get away with not having the collar done because he did have special instructions for that section. I could play it off as wanting to fit and re-measure him but I'm saving that for my last resort.

I never thought I'd say this but I think I need a bigger knitting bag. This sweater barely fits. I have way too many knitting bags now as it is. I'll re-think this next time I start a large project. Right now I have one bag for my knitted piece and then a different bag for my extra skeins and supplies like cable needle, interchangeable circular set, scissors, pens, pattern, stitch markers, measuring tape, tapestry needles, etc. Very cumbersome. Maybe that's why I like knitting afghans in pieces . . .

Anyway, here's the whole thing as of today:

Samson is completely unimpressed. He's curled up as tight as possible on my bed in my office and is snoring. Someday I'll have to get a video of that - it is very cute!

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